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Look and you will find. So I looked. I looked in marble museums. Old libraries. Men of renown, heroes of history tried to teach me, with their stone tablets, ancient scrolls, and carved walls. But standing within this mausoleum, I remain unsated. 


Then, in a corridor I hear an in-between whisper, an overheard conversation. I quickly follow, footsteps echoing in the empty space. I am led to a garden, a park in the square.


Buzzing with people, I join the crowd. I see, I hear. I talk with the old and with the young. Shared with me are stories; history in the making; small truths and quiet knowledge. Content, I fill myself up as much as possible for as long as I can. 

The Philosopher

Made to order
  • Style and sustainability in every stitch. huhh.. uses upcycled vintage clasps, locally sourced fabrics and hand painted textiles ensuring the highest quality in craftsmanship.


    Prices displayed on our website are starting prices. huhhh.. Bags are made to order and can be adjusted according to your wishes and vision.  Need a bag to fit all your essentials... and then some? We've got you covered!

    Creativity knows no bounds, and neither should your bag. 

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